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Building Cleaning Engineering Course-ISBA (20-21 Nov 2019)

Courses run by the MACC President himself; Mr. Noruddin Idris, also assisted by Tuan Haji Ahmad Samri, Head of MACC Training Bureau. A total of 20 participants from various backgrounds including Consulting Engineers and former Assistant District Officers attended the course.

Among the topics discussed were ‘How to Work Safe and Healthy’, Floor Care, Carpet Care, General Wiping, Mirror Washing and Toilet Cleaning.
Apart from the theoretical presentation, participants also had the opportunity to undergo practical training on how to mop and operate a washing machine.

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Seminar Green Purchasing & Industry development in Malaysia – 13 Nov 2019

In line with the government’s intention to target 20% of government procurement based on green products or services, including cleaning services, MACC in collaboration with the Malaysian Green Technology Corporation held a Green Industry Procurement and Development Seminar in Malaysia.

It aims to provide exposure to,

  • The development of the green technology industry and initiatives provided by the Government include
  • Government Green Procurement (GGP), recognition of the MyHlJAU Mark logo for green technology -based products and services,
  • Tax incentives and Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS) among local cleaning service companies and contractors

Among the topics discussed in the seminar are,

  1. ‘Government Initiatives in Promoting Green Industry Development in Malaysia’
  2. ‘Importance of Green Purchasing in a Global Environment’

A total of 50 people attended the seminar.

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Discussion with MAFM & QRAM – 13 Nov 2019

In an effort to establish close relationships and cooperation with other organizations related to cleaning works, MACC has held meetings and discussions with MAFM, the Malaysian Facilities Management Association and QRAM, the Malaysian Quality Toilet Association.

MACC is led by its President, Mr Noruddin Idris, while MAFM by its President, Datuk Seri Zahari Akob and QRAM by its President, Tuan Haji Hassan Hamzah.

In the inaugural meeting, the discussion session focused on the introduction of the respective associations, the objectives of the association and the cooperation that can be forged between the associations in an effort to improve the quality of hygiene in Malaysia.

Mr. Noruddin has expressed the desire that such meetings can be continued in the future to strengthen cooperation between associations.

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Building Cleaning Engineering Course-MPS (22-24 Oct 2019)

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The Malaysian Association of Cleaning Service Contractors (MACC) at the request of the Seremban City Council has held a Building Cleaning Techniques Course from 22 to 24 October 2019 in Melaka.

The course was attended by 25 staff and cleaning workers of the Seremban City Council. The course is run by the MACC President himself; Mr. Noruddin Idris, and assisted by Tuan Haji Ahmad Samri, Head of MACC Training Bureau.

Apart from the theoretical presentation, participants also had the opportunity to undergo practical training on how to sweep, mop, wipe, wash mirrors and operate a washing machine.

The council is satisfied with the course conducted and the effective delivery of the course.

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‘Thank Your Cleaner Day’ – 16 Oct 2019

Karcher (M) Sdn Bhd in collaboration with MACC has held ‘Thank You Cleaner Day’, a day to thank cleaning workers for recognizing and appreciating their efforts and hard work in maintaining cleanliness around us, whether inside or outside the building.

Also held on the day was the 2019 Cleaning Awards, which aims to

  1. Recognize and appreciate the role of cleaners and supervisors in maintaining the cleanliness of our environment.
  2. Encourage ‘industrious’ attitude, hard work and positive attitude among the cleaning staff.
  3. Encourage more locals to work in the cleaning sector.
    Eliminate the negative image of the cleaning sector.

The Award categories and winners for 2019 are,

1. Best Cleaner Award 2019
Mohd Nadzrie bin Raja Omar – Harta Maintenance Sdn Bhd

2. Best Manager Award 2019
Sahadan bin Fiee – Harta Maintenance Sdn Bhd

3. Distinguished Leadership Award 2019
Noruddin Haji Idris, Q-Servces Sdn Bhd

4. Distinguished Practice Company Award 2019
Harta Maintenance Sdn Bhd

Although the response from members was rather lackluster, MACC hopes it will improve in the coming years. This year is the first time such an event is held in Malaysia. It started in Australia a few years ago.

MACC considers the event as an opportunity for contractors to thank staff and employees as well as a chance to win the awards provided.

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Brainstorming Session (12-14 Oct 2019)

MACC has held brainstorming sessions aimed at updating the Vision, Mission, Objectives and Code of Ethics of members to be in line with current needs. In addition, the establishment of bureaus and the target activities of each bureau were also discussed.

Apart from the committee members also involved are staff from committee member companies such as from Property Maintenance, Juwara Resources and Q-Services to contribute their ideas and thoughts. The formula of the session is as follows,





Review of Expert Vision, Mission & Code of Practice

Review has been prepared

Must be included in the website and emailed to all members of the association

Hajah Azizah

Vois Wong


Bureau presentation for the 2020 program

Through set objectives

Prepare initiatives and presentations in the committee meeting in December

Ketua Biro

Hj Ahmad

Dato Zainal

En Ramli


Mr. Nik needs to email the MACC group to get feedback. Need to re -discuss with the Subcommittee 2 or 3 times.

Presented at the committee meeting in December

En Nik & Small committee


Standard Rate

It is recommended to use BICSc Benchmark and draft from Mr. Noruddin


Discussion in the Sub -Committee & presented in the December Committee meeting

En Nik & Small committee


Thank You Your Cleaner Day (TYCD)

MACC will get the participation of at least 100 people.

From the committee, members and customers


Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM)

Part of the Training & Development Bureau

Target 50 people a year and organize a Convocation by the end of 2020

Hj Ahmad

En Noruddin

Hj Faizal

Letter to the Minister of KPDNHEP

Prepare letters and delivery through Datuk Dr. Hj Radzali Hassan, MACC Advisor

The letter has been prepared and needs to be corrected

En Noruddin

Hj Faizal

Training conducted by MACC

Need to provide after-course payment scheme for MACC, trainers and others.

Provide a transparent scheme and approved by the committee

En Noruddin &



Archidex will conduct marketing and invite MACC committee members to participate

The meeting will be held on 17/10/2019 at the Q services office

En Noruddin

Eco Labelling

Preparing Templates from SIRIM

Needs to be discussed and emailed to SIRIM

Hj Faizal, En Nik

& Hj Ali (18/10/2019)

Minimum Wages 2020

Additional minimum wage from RM 1100 to RM 1200 in major urban areas

Proposed letter to the Ministry of Human Resources on the constraints faced by members of the association & meeting with KSM

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Building Cleaning Work Supervision Course 1 – 14 Sept 2019

MACC at the request of members from Melaka, Permata Mudi has held a course on Supervision of Building Cleaning Work 1: Quality Control.

The course is held to meet the requirements of Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka which stipulates that a successful cleaning contractor must conduct training for supervisors and their employees within 3 months from the start date of the contract.

One -day course conducted by MACC President, Mr. Noruddin Idris. discusses the roles and responsibilities of Supervisors, how to conduct building inspections, preparation of work schedules, stock and inventory control and addressing customer complaints.

Due to extremely limited time, stimulation training could not be performed.

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Expo Clean 2019, Jakarta & Business Leader’s Forum – 12 Jul 2019

While in Jakarta, we had the opportunity to visit Expo Clean 2019 and follow the Business Leader’s Forum with the title ‘Technology & Automation in Commercial and Industrial Cleaning.’

According to Mr. Adi Permadi, President of Aeon, cleaning contractors cannot run away from adapting technology and automation for the continuity of their business ventures. This statement was also reinforced by Mr. Bernanto Soerojo from BOMA who stressed that the growth of skyscrapers requires cleaning contractors to use technology and automation to clean the buildings.

In addition, Mr. Bernanto also proposed that APKLINDO (Asosiasi Perusahaan Klining Indonesia) classify cleaning contractors according to their ability and expertise such as hospital cleaning contractors, malls, office towers and so on. Possible proposals may be considered by the MACC.

Mr. Bernanto also suggested a standard employee work coverage area, i.e. how much area per employee can be cared for; according to the type of building; shopping malls, office buildings, hospitals and others. This proposal is very similar to the ‘productivity rate’ issued by the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) ’. Something the MACC committee needs to think about.

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Study Tour to Kasablanka Mall, Jakarta – 11 Jul 2019

The MACC Committee (at its own expense) as well as two flight ticket winners, went to Jakarta Indonesia to attend Expo Clean, Jakarta 2019. The opportunity to be in Jakarta was used to visit Kasablanka Mall, the largest multi -purpose complex in Asia.

Kasablanka Mall is part of a diversified development covering an area of ​​11.5 hectares consisting of office towers, serviced office suites, shopping malls, convention halls and condominium towers. The shopping center is 60,000 m2 in size, with over 250 store units.

Our presence was welcomed by Mr. Nur Rachmat; Assistant Manager of Operations of the City of Casablanca and Mrs. Rini who have accompanied us to visit the Mall as well as key places in the Mall such as the Mosque in the Mall and the Convention Hall who once received visits from the former President of the United States; Barack Obama.

What attracted our attention was the cleanliness of the entire mall, especially the toilet area and the surau which did not smell sour due to the damp carpet. From our observations, there is a distance between the ablution place and the prayer hall, which allows the soles of the feet to dry before touching the carpet of the prayer hall.

We understand that on each floor there are 3 employees guarding the lobby area and one employee for each toilet unit. Each employee has a tracking tag to ensure they do not leave their respective work areas. The average cleaning worker is under 25 years old. Employees are paid a salary in the range of RM1,200 per month and given training every week.

Its high level of cleanliness is due to the low coverage of the work area of ​​the workers, the workers who are very young; still active and energetic as well as training is given on an ongoing basis. Most important is the willingness of the building management to pay a high contract price for the best quality of cleanliness.

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Seminar on Cleaning Technology & Innovations – 27 Jun 2019

In conjunction with the 25th Annual General Meeting, MACC held a Cleaning Technology & Innovation Seminar. The seminar aims to introduce the latest technologies and innovations in the cleaning sector that can help improve the productivity and quality of work of employees.

A total of five presentations were delivered. Makita (Malaysia) has presented on wireless technology that facilitates cleaning work carried out wirelessly. Meanwhile, Imex Hygiene introduced its twister pad to maintain the cleanliness and shine of the floor without using chemicals and avoid ‘stripping’ and ‘polishing’ work. Karcher introduced its ‘fleet management’ to track the washing machine, the frequency of the machine used, the condition of the machine and the need to ‘recharge’ the machine.

Two more presentations touched on the use of IT in the management and process of cleaning work presented by CIC Sdn Bhd. While SMEPSS discusses the importance of training to improve the productivity and quality of cleaner work.

In general, the response was very encouraging, with the attendance of almost 100 participants consisting of MACC members, cleaning contractors and customers and building managers.